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2nd Friday: Sept 8, start time at 7:00 PM

3rd Thursday:Sept 21, start time at 7:00 PM

First Monday, Labor Day, Sept 4, Standard Falling Plates configuration. 24 Rounds

Second Monday, Sept 11, Cowboy action, 18 rounds single action revolver, 8 rounds lever action rifle, course of fire not yet fully determined.

Third Monday, Sept 18, Defensive pistol, two pistols, one you carry, one out of your safe. This course of fire will be split into two passes, one with each gun, 18 rounds with the carry, 12 rounds with the one from the safe. One of them can be a revolver.

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While there is a 30% chance of showers on Saturday, July 1st, we are planning a match on the outdoor range beginning at 1: 00 PM.

The course of fire will be 10 rounds with a pistol caliber carbine, and if you don't own one, bring 9MM ammo and someone will let you use their gun.

The remainder of the course will be 24 rounds, broken into 6 rounds before reloading or changing magazines, and you may use any revolver or semi-automatic pistol in your arsenal. Conditions permitting, we will try to open up a second pass to anyone interested. All competitive activity will occur at, or beyond, the 50 yard marker.

July Monday competitions will be the standard three we shoot today. The defensive Monday will require you to use a pistol with a 3.5 inch barrel, or less, and a gun you can carry concealed. All will be 24 rounds. The defensive course will be broken into two 12 round passes.

We have a fifth Monday and we will shoot a second bowling pin competition. This time you must use a large caliber revolver or semi-automatic pistol. No carbines will be allowed.

Bulls-eye competitions will be on the second Friday, 7/14, and the third Thursday, 7/20, both beginning at 7:00 PM.

Be safe, be aware, practice with your carry weapon. See you soon.


Bruce T. and Deborah G. LeGrand

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Writer's pictureDon Lemay

Bullseye this Friday evening, start time 7:00 PM, thirty rounds. The second bullseye is the following Thursday evening. Same conditions.

Cowboy, standard competition, 24 rounds, single action revolver.

Defensive pistol, bring what you carry. These competitions are important to remind you what you need for everyday situations. The course of fire will be all steel, shot from the green line, the one exception is that the number of rounds will not be limited to 24, but to however many you need to strike every target or you expend all rounds.


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